
      Current Position: Home > Operations > Oil Refining
      Oil Refining

      ZhenHua Oil is an important shareholder and a major crude oil supplier of North Huajin Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. (‘North Huajin’). As an integrated refining and petrochemical complex with a daily capacity of 160 kb of three main products of petrochemical, chemical fertilizer and road asphalt, North HuaJin, ranks among the top manufacturers in the petrochemical industry in China. It is currently focusing on a 15 million tons refining and petrochemical integration project.


      products including diesel, polythene, polypropylene, polystyrene, ABS, bunker fuel oil, industrial sulfur, petroleum toluene, xylene

      Chemical fertilizer

      urea, methyl alcohol, liquid ammonia

      Road asphalt

      asphalt, bitumen modifier, No. 4 light fuel oil, mixed arene
